Identification Needed!!!!!

The following photographs are thought to be Showalter's but a positive
identification is needed. Please share your ideas on who these people may be.
Larger scans of these photographs available upon request.


Mailed from Berlin, PA on July 15 1907 
Addressed to Miss Lillian Showalter, Elk Lick PA
Correspondence: Hello kid, hope you and Brit are well and happy.  Ans Soon  Clara


No Clues with this photograph

Probably the daughter in law of Greenbriar.


The only clue to this one is some printing on the back of the post card that says Bungalow Studio, 133 So. Main St. Akron, Ohio. 
Lawrence Showalter was shown to have been living in Akron, Ohio in 1924 - Perhaps his wife Mildred is in the photograph.


No information